
Payline is a browser-based application that can be used to process credit card transactions manually, process refunds, set up recurring payments and generate intelligent reports to aid with reconciliation and provide business intelligence.

It is most commonly used by organisations that require a cost effective, quick, simple process for accepting credit card payments, and can also be scaled for call centres or organisations that require the ability to accept credit card payments in a card-not-present environment. Payline is popular with businesses that have traditionally telephoned or faxed credit card details to the bank for processing, and are now at the stage where real-time, processing and next-day settlement of funds is required.

Payline is included with all other Payment Express solutions, at no additional cost.

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Key features

Recurring Billing
Set and forget payments
Ability to view and report on all transactions in real-time
Comes with reporting functionality that allows quick easy reconciliation
Billing Vault - secure storage of credit cards
Process Mail Order / Telephone Orders in real time
Scalable - perfect for call centres
Multiple logins with different privileges
Each individual Payline user can be configured with privileges to meet their required needs

Example of a Purchase Transaction in Payline